Around the world; It goes round and round. Blossoming the drought, Tanning the sand, And the instinct of moon brings dreams. Letting out the peace. But I sit and smile!! The world is losing its moisture, And the earth’s blood is contaminated, The world is getting dried and tanned. Green is cut down every where, And it’s showering acid. Animals are persevered in zoo. Everything is list under endangered, And I simply sit and talk about global warming. Petrol & diesel as reached the heights. All we care is liquors. Bees are forgetting their nest; Every time I type LOL, And that’s not funny. Shades are burnt and air conditioners are placed, What a common sense! Foreigners fly to click our dirty garbage; But all we care is fashion and glamour. Everyone needs everything, Because this is life and we live only ones, And that’s what matter to us. But your just been insane. Dig into...