Back to college..

Shifted into total bliss, just by those memories! It act as a essential vitamin to enrich us from bore, Selfishness might be the extend you can touch But you’ll never extinct the always-true-reality. Strange is when those memories blossom to hope, Every time you smile at those old odd buildings, you know what you miss more! May be it was future, all you thought about than But today you just can’t stand the thought of apart any more. Complicated is the way teenage was, But all treat was because of friends. Stepping into those hunted walls all you can sense is their importance in life. Just like old times you see their mirage waving a smile in corridor And you walk into that vintage room; where your life changed into Technicolor drama You blush imagining your first crush presence in the last row, As you sense the charm of first love; Tears roll down from corner of your eyes over those mesmerizing days. You reach to those wooden benches, the...