Path finder (Broken leg -The story #4 )

As you all read i was tagged as a path finder. hilarious the person lost himself was seriously taken as a path finder and followed by groups of people who blindly believed and followed where ever he go is a short cut .so it happened like this as i realized i was running no where i joined the fools and allowed them to walk with me .literally as we walked i was ones again carried away by their praises i started to get involved in that process and gradually started to neglect the fact and believed that I am a path finder and walked like a hero at the side of the track.everyone in track looked amused and joined us other were confused and looked at me for answer.and i would say the smart and normal people were laughing out loud with tears (roflol) and rest felt sorry for us. but neglected everyone and kept running as fast as i could thought people are laughing at me because their jealous at my speed and kept moving forward with a hope to join the track every soon and win .but still unknown to the goal.

PS we literally happen to believe ourself very strongly when our beloveds believe us .and we also get belief on false when we are been believed by others (some time resulting good )


Prudhvi said…
loved it..........!!!
Prudhvi said…
nd dnt think in tat way....!!
all that we feel depends on wat and how we think da,,,, whn yu control yur satva(sanskrit word) yu wil nt feel diz
this is 3 year back story dear

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