Pain of Yesterday

The pain of yesterday kills me every day.
Crushing hard on my days everywhere,
Hard, harder it’s getting to live my life today.
Where the pain of yesterday is hard to forget!
Days pass by brushing on my memory,
But the ghost from the past, hunt me in my dreams. 
I forget the face I cried for yesterday,
But, don’t know why? I’m unable to let go the pain of yesterday.
Today though, I smile with the hearts which made me cry,
But why does my heart feels heavy about yesterday.
People like people, change but why? 
ones a broken heart always have a scarp.
Today I smile but deep within,my heart still bleed about yesterday. 


⇨Signing Off ♥Prathi♥


Prudhvi said…
touched my heart....:D
da way yu expressed ......juz have no words for them...:)
loved da complete thin...
got to tell yu some thin.....only whn yu leave da pain of yesterday....yu can find the happinez in today.....:-)
small life....we will hardly know 100 to 1000 people in our life time....out of so many billions of people in the lets be happy and make happy every moment we live in this world...:-)
@£arthieeee...... agree thank you dea ..i agree but past some times act as ghost.
Prudhvi said…
yea i agree tat.......:-)
Nirati said…
Reminded me of myself when I was just 13.
Crap, that makes me sound old :p That's just 3 years ago but I was crushing on this guy for oh-so-long..
Beautifully expressed!
Take care!
Saru Singhal said…
It's painfully beautiful, worded nicely!
Aakash Kokz said…
Very deep thoughts, quite touchy.
Sahana Rao said…
Yesterdays are to be forgotten. The baggage should not be carried. We have a wonderful life, there are people who smile seeing our happiness. We live for the better everyday. Aint it?
Thoughts. wonderfully worded.
"Forget yesterday; move on" It is easier said than done. I could sense this helplessness in your words.
AKG said…
Life is all about future, So, cheer up :) Live a Happy Life :)
Neeraj Kumar said…
A good one but after all how long we can keep dwelling on yesterday, bury yesterday, celebrate today and be hopeful for the future.
it was touchy...feeling sad for the past is human...getting over it is super human :)

great post.

Sourabh K Rao said…
ahhh so intense....and full of pain :)
but poignantly beautiful :):)
Sarah malik said…
Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~William Shakespeare

wonderfully penned down :)

Anonymous said…
Really loved the poem...similar in theme to what i just finished, but how differently rendered. That is what i love about poetry.

"Forget the times" is what i wrote, and just published it before reading this...nice coincidence :0)
Anonymous said…
could not help re-reading the poem and had to add this
look in to the yellow sky....
wait for the raindrop to dry,
a new dawn oh! so serene
wait for the rain to wash the pain of yestereen!!
Anonymous said…
@Prathi~~ "I forget the face I cried for yesterday,
But, don’t know why? I’m unable to let go the pain of yesterday." Deep lines...

You write well girl...Keep posting...

Indie :)

PS. Loved your blog design too :)
Center Shocker said…
nice nice nice!! felt the pain der!!
Akshay Kumar G said…
Very beautifully expressed emotions :)
@Blahblaholic ♥ © well nice thanks for dropping by xoxo
@Spicy Sweet thoughts are facts but yet life is hard in real while facing the past ..but still ur right ..thanks a loads
@subtlescribbler "Shakespeare" nothing could have made it better thank you so much
@sunilscove *claps* ill surly check it out,thanks a ton
@Indiana Amrita thank you so much that means a lot :)
Ankit said…
Beautifully Expressed !!!
Past is indeed something which is painful at times and interferes with present and future however hard we may try to leave it !!

one of your best ones !!!

Happy Blogging and take care !!!
This is plain BEAUTIFUL.
AMAZING! I'm out of words!
Brilliant. :)
Beautiful poem <3

Visit my blog : Poetry~Reflection of my feelings[/link]
Cartic said…
Nicely worded!! With some things haunting us, there is always something we could do, 'Just move on'!!

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