I Kissed a Frog !!

This Valentine’s Day I feel appreciated, loved and alive seriously tho for a girl, love is a major priority and we can all blame Disney and chick flick on that. If it weren't for Disney a prince would have never saved the girl in the ending but its a mood swinger when PMS'ing, Even an animated character look totally kissable.... we forget everything just by that thought of being loved like a princess, Even if it is a cartoon, still heart wants what it wants. Isn’t it the same way around for guys?? It takes a struggle to find his Fair maiden, from the beginning till the end.
And YES! the chase for love is an oldie in books. If you get fortunate and find the prince charming or cinderella your lucky in love. For few, they have to take chances and risk to find the shell which holds the real pearl inside it.. So if you’re lucky, you are just lucky but for some, this process is a more like a disappointment because that's what they get in the end..  So love is pure luck?? Absolutely not! 

Love is like a character you develop over time only with someone special and like an infant.  it grows to be exactly how you nurture it... so love is not luck or respect nor understanding don't ever go for anyone because they just care, caring is not even close to love, it’s just part of love, find someone who considers you for real..Seriously if it's not genuine it will not last long and fantasy is better than pretend lover. Instead find that person who makes you grow every step, a person with whom you want to grow old.. I got the point" grow old "  completely wrong but I finally understood "grow old" as in achieving each other dreams and  becoming a beautiful being together... Life is not all about love, even Dreams and well-being need attention from time to time and if they understand that they are worth it and if not and they are expecting you to worship them and just clingy?!! amen.

People who are in complicated relationship and just confused about love, you might say love is a bullshit!! yes it is! But if you can just think, Who painted a picture of love in your head ?? Technically its you.. because its just an illusion like a fairytales and an idea which will never leave you, you will always end up chasing something called love .

Just learn to love yourself in the end. Because if you can't appreciate yourself ,you will never understand true love and Love don't happen it's born. So don't make love just a Commercial thing because happily ever after is real.

PS I kissed a frog not a prince..


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