Page form my Diary

Life in times teaches you the meaning of seriousness so randomly , don't know what you will lose or gain in that fight. Life to me is always a question mark regarding everything, tho I fall at my every step I Still force myself to stand up and hope for good . Its not your mistake that you believe someone or something so much knowingly that later you will end up dead by the same subject, it happens; love ,respect more than all humanity can't be expected from all . I hardly believed in anything or took anything seriously in life ,that i'm at the edge of it, now i'm forced to go on in a different direction; from that of my dreams and opt the future where I never belonged. Every morning I had the tendency to believe that every day is a new start to further hope of leading a better life but I always ended up in a wrong place but still; like they say " Its never too late " .I know, I can still make it right and regain my loss . ...