Music is my Boyfriend ➳♥
MUSIC in my life always in *caps* .I literally wonder if not music what else?? don't you ever end up in such thoughts?? i do occasionally I force myself to use my brain on things like this
We need music around us every time and every where like a boy friend or girl friend ..

singing off PRATHI :)
We need music around us every time and every where like a boy friend or girl friend ..
Today when i was cleaning my room was listening to cheryl cole's happy tears and all of the sudden i felt like as if she was standing and singing that specially in reference's to me .my heart was bounding to her every single word ,her words ever really worth to hold on they indeed made me smile later but i ended up with this though if not music what else ..

he he he
nw nt only poemz yu can even try and write or compose lyriczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...!!!
Maybe it's just me...dunno...but this post just got me thinking :-). I sometimes find myself going through ebbs in life when I need my ipod, and sometimes my laptop or a good book...but don't really want any person too close to me during that time.