
"Trust" god thats one huge word, In this world you can be no one with out this 4 letter in your pocket.It play a huge role in your life, It is the First most Important word and meaning that as to be learnt in life.If you trust yourself you will never be scared of any thing in world and If you have the same trust on someone no matter what happens or what the world speak nothing can spoil your relationship. But never blindly trust in someone so much that they get the priority to hurt you so bad that you get scared by the word Trust.
Trying to answer the complicated word "TRUST" related questions in my way that would be as follows.
Phase 1.
How to be sure where to imply Trust ? and what is trust ?
Every thing on this world stands on trust, some are blind folded and sometimes even tho when they are so clear and open and some times right in front of us , we still fail to believe and later risk them forever . In this present lifestyle its hard not to trust someone and its even harder to trust that someone you don’t have choice and some times its not what you wish for or what you want , it just happens but you get to face the consequence. You yourself fall into dilemma weather to believe or if not whats next and get lost in the thought wondering how to fit in that place with out well grow strong when it comes about living that is the place where you need to imply the word "trust" ,one of my friend had told me in my bad time " BELIEVE EVERYONE BUT BLINDLY TRUST NO ONE " and even today I do think of it ones in a while * thx faiz * and hope it might be helpful for you too in the journey of complications .
Phase 2 .
Phase 2 .
How to trust on someone who already had crashed and smashed your trust or lost trust ?
This is the most happening question in ever hurt minds. Answer for this is Everything matters like why did they do ? where did they do ? and how did they do ? and final when did they do ? (for real "W" is a dangers alphabet because it alway end with question mark)back on well go through the story again and again and if you think they should be forgiven and 2nd chance for good would be nice only if they are worth it or when they have earned it .
Phase 3.
How to regain the Trust ?
Well mistakes happen by humans only but be kind and courages to admit your mistakes and try cleaning your mess and never let someone else take your blame.
Its on you to convenes and win their trust again it happens only when your truly worth it or when you have earned it !! And some time a simple Sorry from all your heart will do its magic .but never play around with someone every time and try to finishing it with sorry one day it might cost you a lot better mind it the first time.
Phase 4.
Its on you to convenes and win their trust again it happens only when your truly worth it or when you have earned it !! And some time a simple Sorry from all your heart will do its magic .but never play around with someone every time and try to finishing it with sorry one day it might cost you a lot better mind it the first time.
Phase 4.
How to Forgive the one who didn't trust you ?
Forgive them now because one day when they come across the truth they would never forgive them self "silents hurt more than words" and every thing is worth a 2 chance when tho when you never get the strength to trust someone who never trusted you or never trust you silents work here because what ever you do or what ever you say its like water pored on a stone wast and useless but remember mistakes happen.
so I would end my words saying TRUST is a very complicated you can't trust someone and risk a heart break or you even can't wrong judge someone and risk losing them so all is well just be yourself and trust in yourself and believe your heart because you can commit mistakes but your heart always suggest whats good for all so more than anyone or anything BELIEVE AND TRUST YOURSELF .
so I would end my words saying TRUST is a very complicated you can't trust someone and risk a heart break or you even can't wrong judge someone and risk losing them so all is well just be yourself and trust in yourself and believe your heart because you can commit mistakes but your heart always suggest whats good for all so more than anyone or anything BELIEVE AND TRUST YOURSELF .
❝ To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved ❞PS: Trust should never ever get rusted keep it alive, for good.
for more on what is trust click on the link
❥ Signing Off ⇨Prathiツ
bt the matter iz very stong.... strong ante very vry vry vry stroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong
plz dont become english teacher yu can become some other sub teacher alzo:D