10 days challenge - day 7 *Wants*

Well my wants list can never be minimized to 7 but still the things I desperately want and the top 7 wants would be  as follows. few are very silly and few are above the average but still they are in my wants list .

hehehe i know but still I can dream of having it :O)

One of the most important wants *The Secret* part 1 & 2

most wanted 

coats awww !!

Never ending stock of chocolates 

boots boots boots ...!!!and I'm shoe-aholic 

big and hug but cute teddy 

bunch of flowers 

And a happiness with out expire date, something which would last forever with out limitations .

⇨Signing Off ♥Prathi♥


Unknown said…
Nice List...Btw..I read secret, interesting book..
well it has been stayed a list for every long lol,thanks and yup I heard a lot about the book, eager to read .
Sophia's Lover said…
Silent friend of many distances, feel
how space dilates with each breath of yours.
Among the rafters of dark belfries peal
your own sweet tones. Your predators

will grow strong upon such fare.
Know transformation in its varied sign.
Which experience produces most despair?
If drinking offend, transform yourself to wine.

Be, in this immensity of night,
the magic force at your sense's crossroad;
the purpose of their mysterious plan.

And though you fade from earthly sight,
declare to the silent earth: I flow.
To the rushing water say: I am.

@Sophia's Lover wow beautiful thanks for stopping by :)
Prudhvi said…
nyce taste....nd yu mad at booots and shoez....i dint know diz...nd happinez will alwayz be with yu till yu love the life yu living....guez yu understood it....nd i even want iphone daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........
Prudhvi said…
dumbooo i thought yu will reply to my comment tellin yu will present me a i phone...:p...but yu dint daaa:-(
thank you dear and yup i am a bit fashion freak and i understood :) !!
iPhone5 i know ...
Defiant said…
Hmm...nicee!!! :) evn m thinking to take dis challenge.. :D :)

well, i read 2-3 posts of 10 day challenge..

gud going.. :)

keep blogging..Thanks for visitin' mine :)

Prudhvi said…
yaaaaaaaaa bt see even nw yu nt saying tat yu will present me iphone:-(
@madhumathi you should do it,i can tag you if you want and thanks a lot do visit me again :)
@earthie of course dear the day you get me my iPhone ill present you oki :)

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